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Helios cranial orthosis Helios cranial orthosis

Ortótese craniana Helios

niño con un casco craneal corrector

Our Helios corrective orthosis is a dynamic and progressive orthosis that requires a specific fit to achieve the desired results. The first of these goals should be to achieve cranial symmetry. The application of the corrective cranial orthosis should never alter the cranial growth, but its direction.

Orthotic treatment consists of total contact in areas where growth is not desired and expansion in areas where it is desired. The critical period for successful treatment is between 4 and 12 months of age when the child's head is actively growing.

If the shape of the baby's head has asymmetry, we must find, when the orthosis is not used, safe postures of the head so that the prominences support the weight, in this way the areas that require growth are not oppressed. Helmet cleaning should be done daily.

For the manufacture of the helmet, it is essential to take a mould, fill in the measurements sheet properly and send the corresponding medical prescription. Read carefully the sheets that come in the lower section to take the mould.

Indications: Plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly. Post-surgical use in cases of craniosynostosis. Consult for other cases.

Contraindications: Babies under 3 months, craniosynostosis, uncontrolled hydrocephalus, children over 24 months.

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Helios custom cranial orthosis

Cranial orthosis Helios

Reference: EP-0600-000


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